It has been gloriously cloudy, rainy, and much cooler the past few days in my neck of the woods. It’s almost as if we hit September and Mother Nature decided to give us a gift after enduring another hellish summer. As far as I’m concerned, fall starts with the month of September so I’ve been using the first few days of the month to bring back all the cozy rituals I like to do this time of year. And, I’ve been racking up a lengthy list of baked goods to play around with in the kitchen now that I’m more inspired to turn the oven on. It’s entirely possible watching the latest season of Great British Baking Show miiiiight have had something to do with it 😉
I was craving a somewhat simple cookie, or biscuit as the Brits would say, to go with my tea. Since I finally replenished my cacao powder I knew it would probably go in the mix along with some flaky salt (obvs) and something herbal since I have a plethora of things from the garden drying in my studio at the moment. Thus, these vegan and gluten free biscuits were born.
Ultimately I decided to pair up rosemary and cocoa in these because it’s one of my favorite flavor combinations in baked goods. They contrast each other quite well as the resinous and piney flavors of the rosemary cut through the bitterness of the cocoa. Even though these are gluten free, I made it easy on myself (and you) by using only oat flour. Not only does oat flour perform well for binding, but it lends that signature sweetness of the oats themselves. These are finished off with a sprinkling of flaky sea salt to balance out the flavors and break up the mundane brown of the exterior.