First order of business, HEIRLOOM TOMATOES!! They are in season here just in time for the start of summer and so beautifully ugly that I can’t stand it. I had plenty of hands-on time with them this past weekend as well as a ton of other beautiful produce from Tanksley Farms because I volunteered to help them at the market when they were swamped. They also had two varieties of plums that I nearly drooled over. PLUMS!! They haven’t had them the past couple of years due to late freezes, but this year the weather cooperated.
So I’m going to admit that I feel a little silly sharing this recipe with you as it’s not much of a recipe. It’s more of a guideline to slicing and placing things on bread. But, I felt the need to share it because it’s just so damn good and it would be a travesty not to. You start with a toasted slice of your favorite bread. I’ve been using Food for Life’s rice & almond bread because it’s vegan friendly and has a nice, dense texture. After toasting, I slather on a bit of vegan mayo. I’ve also been slathering on a bit of locally made herbed almond spread to take it to the next level, but do what you please. Next comes the beautiful, juicy slices of heirloom tomatoes. I typically use 2 and fit them on the bread just so. Last comes a fat pinch of fleur de sel and dried tarragon. Then, your reward for being ever so patient, is to devour your beautiful tartine. Pardon me while I go devour another…

Heirloom Tomato Tartine
This makes an easy snack or quick lunch, but could also be elevated to appetizer status.
2 slices of your favorite bread, toasted
4 large slices of heirloom tomato
vegan mayo
fleur de sel
dried or fresh tarragon
Slather each piece of toasted bread with a bit of vegan mayo. Top each piece of bread with 2 tomato slices, then sprinkle a bit of fleur de sel and dried or fresh tarragon on top. And you’re done! Eat, enjoy, repeat. Makes 2 tartines.

I love this and I love your use of the word "slather"!