I had a big breakthrough last week on the tail end of my cleanse. One of the things I wanted to work on was laziness/stagnation in my life. Laziness has been taking many forms lately and slowly choking out my normal productive tendencies. It caused me to stray from focusing on what I really wanted in life as well as building my career. I got lazy. And complacent. I stopped dreaming and planning. It was easy. But it wasn’t exactly enjoyable.
I had an intense moment of clarity last Thursday morning. I became very aware of how I had been lazy when it came to what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be. And I immediately wanted to get back to my old self. The one who started her own company solo while simultaneously working another full time job. I realized I would much rather be in the midst of working really hard and planning for the unknown instead of wallowing in laziness and ease. So, I’m back on the saddle so to speak.
I pictured this tart in my head a couple of weeks ago. I think I was driving home from a yoga class and it just popped into my mind. I wrote down the idea as soon as I got home so I wouldn’t forget. Since I was able to get some lovely local pears at the farmers market this past weekend, it earned the top spot for post-cleanse baking. And then I almost didn’t make it because I knew how involved each step would be along with the photography. Then I almost kicked myself for thinking that way and let go of those thoughts since they weren’t serving me in any way. I’m re-adapting and re-learning. I’m creating a new groove.
I love the combination of flavors in this tart. They all play nicely together without one completely dominating the others. If you want a quick and dirty version of this recipe, forgo the crust. Mix up the pear topping and let it sit to macerate for a bit. Spoon some into a bowl and top with the lavender coconut cream and some shavings of dark chocolate. It’s quite lovely and doesn’t require you to turn on the oven 🙂
