I’m not feeling particularly loquacious today. The rain has me looking inward and reflecting. Thinking and mulling. Evaluating and re-evaluating. I want to make myself a priority and embark on a path I truly love that also inspires and challenges me. And, I want to make sure that path also inspires and challenges others. There’s a lot to take in and consider. And a lot of thinking and planning to be done.

Instead of feeling pressured to write when I don’t really have the words, I’ve decided to start a silent series here on the blog. I’ll share a lovely recipe without the typical story or reflection. Today I’ll leave you with this soup. It’s velvety smooth and the flavor combination is killer. You get a bit of sweetness from the kabocha and fennel along with earthiness from the sage and gentle heat from the chili powder. If I had to personify fall in a bowl, this would be it. It’s perfect for filling your bowl and your belly while the wind howls outside your window.