I can tell when fall is about to start because there is a perceptible and tangible difference in the air. It feels less humid and stagnant. It is new and crisp like a freshly laundered sheet. It smells earthy and swirls my hair about my face. Walking through the yard I feel leaves and acorns crunch beneath my feet. Soon there will be a blanket of fiery hued leaves covering the green grass like a lovely old quilt. I’ll lovingly bring out my sweaters and scarves, eagerly awaiting the first hint of cool air. Soon I’ll be spying pumpkins everywhere and I won’t mind in the slightest.
In honor of the official first day of fall, I wanted to give you something pumpkin-y. Perhaps it can tempt your sweet tooth away from all of the junky Halloween candy that is most likely filling store shelves by now. The filling of these truffles is sort of like a nutty pumpkin pie. It’s creamy with just the right amount of spices and maple sweetness. A coating of dark chocolate envelops the creamy filling while a sprinkling of smoked sea salt provides a sharp contrast to the sweetness. I couldn’t think of a better way to honor the change in season than with a couple of these and a mug of tea.