Winter is a time for slowing down and eating more comforting foods. As we tend to move less and eat a little more than we would in say the warm summer months, digestion can be a bit off. Enter the pickle! Pickles help with digestion and provide a nice balance of flavors. Plus, they extend the shelf life of your farm fresh veggies. In this version, I’ve paired sweet and sunny carrots with kohlrabi though you can use any root vegetables you like here. For just a touch more digestive and immune support, I’ve included fresh ginger root as well. My favorite way to eat these is to mix them with some avocado and cilantro for a quick and easy salad of sorts.. You can find this recent collaboration with Loam Agronomics over on their site.
grain free
A Digestive Tisane
Well howdy 2018, glad you made it. With a new year comes an opportunity for self reflection and evaluation. Deciding what stays and what goes. Accepting where you’ve been and making plans for where you want to go. Finding your path and doing what you can to stay on it. Continuing to do what serves you and leaving behind what doesn’t.
I’ll be spending this week cleaning out and organizing my space. Getting rid of clutter is an easy way to bring more focus and clarity. Plus it’s a nice freeing feeling to get rid of things you don’t need anymore.
After the holidays the digestive system might need a little extra support. Maybe you’ve strayed from your routine and are striving for a bit more regularity. Or maybe you want a simple herbal tea to sip on before bed. Enter this easy tisane, which is just a fancy way of saying herbal tea. It’s made up of only 3 herbs, two of which are really great for digestion. Mint and fennel are also good for calming nausea if you find the stomach un-settled or queasy. Lemon balm can also aid in digestion but I’ve included it here mostly to lend its lovely flavor. Plus, I dried a bunch of it right before the freeze and am eager to use it 😉
Apparently I’ve got a habit of sharing green things for the first post of the new year: in 2017 I shared this balancing green smoothie and in 2016 I shared this winter vibes guacamole. …