I think my trip turned out quite successful. I ended up with a bunch of dandelion greens, a bunch of lacinato kale, and 4lbs of peaches, all grown not far from my little apartment! I have lovely visions of what the dandelion greens and kale will become, so if I remember, I will share recipes for those in a later post. The peaches were made into a simple and lovely peach jam destined to be sold in my etsy shop, but not before I enjoyed one with some milk.
Have you ever had peaches with ice cold milk? It’s pretty much peaches and cream but with milk instead of cream. You can enjoy them for breakfast, as a dessert, or perhaps as a midnight snack. The following isn’t really a recipe, but more of a suggestion or starting point. It’s very simple, but also quite delicious. Since there are so few ingredients (2 to be exact!), I would suggest using some fresh, local peaches and the freshest organic milk (or cream) you can find. If you are feeling ambitious, you could add some toasted nuts or coconut.
Peaches with Milk
serves 1
1 large peach
about 1/4 cup of organic milk (or cream, soy milk, almond milk, etc.)
Slice or chop the peach to your liking, then douse in milk. Savor the beauty of how easy this was, then enjoy the simple deliciousness that is before you.