From this point on, it is within our best interest, as a nation, and as human beings interested in respecting the human rights of others, to seek out slave-free tomatoes or none at all. This summer, the International Justice Mission formed a parternship with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers as well as the Fair Food Standards Council in order to start “Recipe for Change”. This is a campaign that will raise awareness about the injustices occurring in tomato fields across the United States. The goal is to develop a zero tolerance policy for slavery, child labor, and abuse. Through both of the organizations mentioned above, and consumers like you and me, it is our intention to ask major supermarket chains to support the Fair Food Program which would provide you with slave-free tomatoes. Supporting this means a slight increase per pound of tomatoes (1.5 cents) and a promise to purchase from farmers abiding by the aforementioned standards. Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods are already on board, as are local farmers markets and CSA programs.
You might feel helpless in this matter, but spreading the word about this problem is the best way to get it out into the public. You can support this cause simply by purchasing your slave-free tomatoes from the locations mentioned above, but if you want to take it a step further, I encourage you to contact your local supermarket and demand that they sell slave-free tomatoes. As human beings, we should put the welfare of others first above profit.
In order to spread awareness about this issue, the Giving Table initiated a day long awareness campaign for food bloggers on July 24th in which they could share slave-free tomato recipes. So, even though I’m a few days late, I’m sharing a recipe for a slave-free tomato and coconut bisque in hopes that this will spread awareness about this issue, and also put something yummy in your belly.